Every November Indianapolis Monthly compiles a Top Doctors list from the Indianapolis area. Congrats to the OrthoIndy physicians who made the list, which include:
Bianca Ainhorn, MD
David Brokaw, MD
Virgilio Chan, MD
Michael Coscia, MD
Renn Crichlow, MD
Timothy Dicke, MD
John Dietz, MD
Robert Falender, MD
Jack Farr, MD
David Fisher, MD
Scott Gudeman, MD
Edward Hellman, MD
Timothy Hupfer, MD
David Kaehr, MD
Frank Kolisek, MD
Stephen Kollias, MD
Dean Maar, MD
John McLimore, MD
Ronald Miller, MD
Eric Monesmith, MD
Mihir Patel, MD
Bruce Rougraff, MD
David Schwartz, MD
Jeffery Soldatis, MD
David Steinberg, DO
Andrew Vicar, MD
Timothy Weber, MD
Indianapolis Monthly‘s Top Doctors list in the November 2015 magazine was compiled by Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., a healthcare research and information company founded in 1991 by a former medical college board chair and president to guide consumers to America’s top doctors and hospitals. Castle Connolly’s established survey and research process, under the direction of an M.D., involves tens of thousands of doctors and the medical leadership of prominent hospitals.