April 24, 2024

OrthoIndy Foundation Success Story: Little Wish Foundation

OrthoIndy News

OrthoIndy Foundation is celebrating over $10 million in grants to organizations throughout the state who make a significant impact in the health, mobility and overall well-being of individuals and their communities. These are some of their stories.

Little Wish Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that grants wishes to children battling cancer. It was started in 2010 by seventeen year-old Liz Niemiec after witnessing her friend, Max, lose his battle with cancer. Max’s last little wish was a puppy and Liz saw what happiness it brought him. This planted the idea of Little Wish.

The wishes they grant are, as the name implies, modest. Most cost between $500 and $1,000. These wishes may be small, but the impact on children’s lives is immeasurable. They help the children to focus on something happy and positive. To a child undergoing difficult cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, receiving a wish of a gaming system, a new pet, a Lego set, or a doll can truly change their experience.

What they have witnessed countless times is that not only do their little wishes make a big impact for a child but it they affect the entire family. Often parents are brought to tears when their child receives a wish because in most cases, they cannot afford to purchase a gift themselves due to financial burden with medical bills. For example, a little girl recently wished for a puppy and her mother reached out to Little Wish Foundation and said, “Thank you so much for granting Sery a puppy. This puppy has been a wish for the family because we now focus on the puppy and not the cancer and we cannot thank you enough.”

OrthoIndy has played a huge role in granting the little wishes of children battling bone cancer. Unfortunately, there has been a rise in bone cancer rates with Ewings Sarcoma and Osteosarcoma being the top two diagnosis for wish recipients.

Recently, Oliver age 14 who is battling Ewings Sarcoma, received his little wish of a knee scooter. Mom sent the following message, “News of Oliver’s diagnosis was shocking. Thank goodness Little Wish Foundation was a bright light in his journey. His scooter really has made his life much simpler with having the ability to go outside and get fresh air, enjoy some sunshine and maintain some independence. We are very grateful that you granted Oliver’s gift.”

Additionally, Jason age 17 who is battling Osteosarcoma, received his little wish of an Apple Watch. This message was sent by his mom, “Osteosarcoma is a horrible disease for a child to battle. Unfortunately, Jason had to lose part of his leg to save his life, for an active teenage boy, this is devastating news. You have no idea how much joy his Apple Watch has brought him. He now doesn’t have to worry about carrying his phone around to receive messages or track his activity. When your mobility is greatly impacted, you need your life to be simplified and this is what his little wish did for him. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

Little Wish staff and Board Members are ever grateful for the impact OrthoIndy has had on their little wishers that are battling bone cancer. They would have never granted the number of wishes that they did without the support from OrthoIndy. OrthoIndy has changed the lives of children battling a horrible disease with providing a wish that brings them hope, comfort and joy. They send a huge thank you to OrthoIndy for truly being an organization that is providing an impact on the lives of sick children in the community and for this, they will be ever grateful.

The OrthoIndy Foundation

In December of 2012, OrthoIndy established and funded the OrthoIndy Foundation, whose Mission Statement reads as follows:

The mission of the OIF is to improve mobility and function, specifically for the residents of Central Indiana –with a particular emphasis on veterans and the elderly– by benefiting the end users to increase self-sufficiency, promote wellness, and improve the quality of life for those affected by orthopedic issues.

Since it’s founding, OrthoIndy Foundation has been there for hundreds of people. Learn more about the foundation here, and learn how you can contribute and become a volunteer by clicking here. You can read more of our success stories here.

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