April 24, 2024

OrthoIndy Foundation Success Story: Wish for Our Heroes

OrthoIndy News

OrthoIndy Foundation is celebrating over $10 million in grants to organizations throughout the state who make a significant impact in the health, mobility and overall well-being of individuals and their communities. These are some of their stories.

For over 4 years the OrthoIndy Foundation and Wish For Our Heroes have partnered to make central Indiana Military members, their families, and Veterans more connected to their community and better supported in an area lacking a major military presence that would provide programs and support. Through their partnership they have already provided assistance to over 350 Veterans through events which bring Veterans together, by enhancing their lives through fitness and comradery.

Weekly fitness, art and group meetings that look at Veterans in the mind, body and soul aspects provide a ground level support system to veterans by eliminating the sense of aloneness. A group of Veterans often going through the same struggles and just want a place to belong. Through painting, bowling, running, Tae Kwando, archery and, in the upcoming months, kayaking, they have shown veterans that they can be more involved, if even in a limited capacity than ever before.

Over the last year, they have provided 13 veterans proper clothing and shoes for athletic type events. The latest event is providing adaptive bowling balls so that older and veterans with injuries to their hands can go to the winter inside scheduled events such as bowling alongside their non disabled brother and sisters.

Lastly, by partnering with the VA in Indianapolis, they helped Veterans who are limited in transportation that face an nonerodable barrier to the very programs they need to maintain their mental and physical health. They have provided rides to 37 veterans having these barriers through payments for wheel chair vans trips.

The OrthoIndy Foundation

In December of 2012, OrthoIndy established and funded the OrthoIndy Foundation, whose Mission Statement reads as follows:

The mission of the OIF is to improve mobility and function, specifically for the residents of Central Indiana –with a particular emphasis on veterans and the elderly– by benefiting the end users to increase self-sufficiency, promote wellness, and improve the quality of life for those affected by orthopedic issues.

Since it’s founding, OrthoIndy Foundation has been there for hundreds of people. Learn more about the foundation here, and learn how you can contribute and become a volunteer by clicking here. You can read more of our success stories here.

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