Malunion vs. nonunion fractures

After bone trauma, difficulty with bone healing or alignment can occur. This is referred to as a malunion or nonunion and may make the return to function a challenge.

OrthoIndy Research Foundation: Latest Publications

Our physicians often collaborate with both their partners and external colleagues. These projects often lead to publications in peer-reviewed journals. Here is our latest list: Dr. Bill Cregar, Sports Medicine,…

OrthoIndy Urgent Care FAQs

What you need to know about OrthoIndy Urgent Care clinics and how you can get the best treatment possible by avoiding the ER wait and cost.

When should I see a shoulder doctor?

It can be hard to know exactly what to do following a shoulder injury. Should you go to the emergency room, urgent care, or specialized shoulder doctor? Your next steps…

How do you heal a sore shoulder?

Living with a sore shoulder can keep you from doing what you love. Since there are many different shoulder pain causes, it can be hard to know what to do…

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