January 2, 2019

How to avoid ski injuries

Sports Injury

This article is part of the Ultimate Guide to Sports Medicine Care

Snow skiing can be a fun or competitive winter sport, and like all sports, it presents risks of injuries. A wide range of injuries can occur in skiing. However, there are several strategies that can help prevent ski injuries from happening. OrthoIndy sports medicine physician, Dr. Jeffery Soldatis, explains common ski injuries he treats and how to avoid ski injuries.

What is the most common injury in skiing?

Typically, Dr. Soldatis sees patients with knee injuries from skiing. “The most common injury I see from skiing are ACL tears,” said Dr. Soldatis. Common skiing injuries include:

How do you avoid tearing your ACL when skiing?

A majority of skiing injuries can easily be prevented by keeping in good physical condition and stopping when your body is exhausted or in pain. Below are a few steps you should take to avoid ski injuries.

  • Warm up. Cold muscles are more prone to injury. For example, try to warm up by running in place or jump rope for a few minutes before hitting the slopes.
  • Hydrate. Dehydration can affect physical ability and endurance. Be sure to drink plenty of water before, during and after skiing.
  • Cross train and stay in shape. Switch up your workout routine. Try to stay away from doing the same workout every day. For example, you can switch up your workout routine by running or cycling, lifting weights or taking a strength training class.
  • Take lessons. If you are a beginner, admit it, then take appropriate skiing lessons. Avoid being taught by a friend.
  • Know safety rules. You should understand general safety rules for skiing before you ski anywhere. For example, learn how to safely merge or stop when approached by another skier.
  • Stretch. Do a few simple quad and hamstring stretches before you put your skis on and then take it easy on your first few runs. Also, make sure you stretch after you are done skiing.

Overall, skiers should be familiar with their equipment and use up-to-date equipment to help avoid injuries. Additionally, be cautious of the weather when deciding if you should go skiing.

“Most skiing injuries occur at the end of the day when you are tired so listen to your body and be smart about calling it a day,” said Dr. Soldatis

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Soldatis please call 317.569.2515 or learn more about sports medicine treatment at OrthoIndy.

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