Victoria tore her ACL dancing. No referral needed, Victoria went to OrthoIndy Physical Therapy to rehab her knee back to normal, without undergoing surgery.
Victoria tore her ACL dancing. No referral needed, Victoria went to OrthoIndy Physical Therapy to rehab her knee back to normal, without undergoing surgery.
It’s important to follow a step-by-step process before getting back in the game or resuming your normal exercise activities. We provide 7 tips to follow before returning to activity.
After experiencing knee pain, a mother and daughter opt for ACL surgery recovery to maintain an active lifestyle and get back to doing the things they love.
After some time, Teresa started experiencing pain and soreness in both her knees.
After multiple injuries and extensive shoulder surgery and back surgery, Lori was able to return to practicing and teaching yoga on a daily basis.
The cause may be an obvious injury or it may develop gradually without trauma. Whatever the cause, areas of damaged cartilage can lead to pain and at times swelling – which make it difficult to maintain the active lifestyle you deserve.
Austin and Eli started experiencing pain in their knees after any kind of physical activity, fortunately they were able to have surgery to relieve the pain.
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