For a lot of Indiana residents, summer time means spending time outdoors at the lake. With all the fun, sometimes it’s hard to remember to stay safe.
For a lot of Indiana residents, summer time means spending time outdoors at the lake. With all the fun, sometimes it’s hard to remember to stay safe.
The elbow is made up of bones, ligaments, muscles and tendons. When tendons become inflamed, torn or irritated, the condition is referred to as tendonitis.
A bicep tendon tear at the elbow is uncommon but is usually caused by a sudden injury. Surgery is not usually required and nonsurgical treatment is recommended.
Bicep tendonitis is an inflammation of the upper biceps tendon and can typically be treated non surgically; however surgery is sometimes recommended.
A rotator cuff tear is a common cause of pain and disability among adults; however, not all rotator cuff tears require surgery and recovery might not take as long as you thought.
Patellar tendonitis is an overuse injury to the tendon connecting your kneecap. In most cases, rest will relieve symptoms.
Sports that require repetitive lifting or overhead activities, such as baseball, tennis, rowing and weightlifting are especially prone to rotator cuff tears.
Spring is just around the corner, which means it’s time for baseball and softball players to start conditioning for the season. As athletes get in shape its common that injuries will occur.
Introduction Shoulder pain is a common complaint that can significantly impact a person’s daily life. Whether it arises suddenly or develops gradually, diagnosing the underlying cause of shoulder pain is…
A torn UCL is common to baseball pitchers but can happen to anyone who bends their elbow often. Learn the signs and treatments to repair a UCL tear.
Living with a sore shoulder can keep you from doing what you love. Since there are many different shoulder pain causes, it can be hard to know what to do…
Plantar fasciitis treatment may include physical therapy, but the 8 best home remedies for plantar fasciitis let you stay home and take care of your pain.
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